
FS E402B 145+151flagFrugarolo Piedmont Frugarolo

Express Train Moscow-Nice derouted due to Interruption

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©  Dec 28, 2019





Express Train Moscow-Nice derouted due to Interruption

Due to the demolition of an Railway overpass in Genova Pegli, the line between Genova and Ventimiglia was interrupted. Many regional and Eurocity train were derouted via Alessandria-San Giuseppe di Cairo. Others, like the famous Moscow-Nice Express, terminated its journey in Genova. Because of the lack of space in Genova, the train were hauled to Torino. On its way, the train has been photographed between Genova and Alessandria, near Frugarolo-Bosco Marengo, hauled by the italian electric class E402B.145 and E402B.151.
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